Rain and Thunderstorms

No tropic comes without some heavy tropical rainfalls and thunderstorms. These will be top notch and will come progressively like a full cinematic experience. This will be polished but here is just a sneak peak of what you can expect.

I wanted to have rain, splashes and puddle ripples. No need to re-create the wheel, Rivermill’s Realistic Rain Storm has done the work and is available in the Asset Store. Their basic settings are not optimized (12000 particles!) and the lightnings are showing up at your feet, but this can be fixed quickly.

This asset comes with the sounds, the particles and the scripts to start a good rain. Now I have to create a smooth transition from sunlight to overcast and get the thunder storm to grow progressively.

Nothing much to say, task done. Here is a quick preview.

Lightning and puddles.

And the video to see it animated.





Author TheWolf
Categories Work in Progress
Views 1835