In this video I am showing the first gameplay demo. This demo is kept private for now and is use in a small circle of people for testing, and also make marketing materials. I go from the Electric factory, though a teleporter to the Tribes villages, 2 of them. Then I pass through the red monsters temple and end up at the view point. Along the way, I am showing spider spawners, and Tribes enemies only.

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New Project Trailer Sept 2022

With the help of Gerald and Rashid from SL2 / team, we have made a new trailer to use on the new website to be announced soon. The idea was to have a short, punchy trailer that is showing various aspects of the game. It had to be short because we could not have something bigger than 50 Mb in 4k which is kind of an incredible performance, considering that there are so many different bits of videos. It […]

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New short video of 2 min

While we are ramping up the marketing for Metaisland and preparing to build the community awareness about this Metaverse project, I have built a very small version of the introduction video, only 2min! The music is made by our magical Ethan Lewis Maltby, and in 2 min you get a glimpse of what kind of project Metaisland is. Enjoy and share it as much as you can!!!

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Video Update October 2021

This is the demo for October. It features most of the new additions to the game.

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Video update September 2021

Here is a video update about what is been added to W.O.K recently

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I have updated the website with the new Media Gallery September 2021 and with a video showing the game. Click on this link to go to the picture gallery: And here is the video.

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Mining crypto video

At regular interval an alarm is warning the players in the world of WOK that mining will happen. They have to rush close to a mining facility if they want to catch some free crypto mined the way you can see in the video. The gems/stones can have many different shapes and values. But you must be quick, the gems are dissolving rapidly and disappear. It does not cost electric and is a lot more fun than mining another crypto!

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