I have retargeted some female characters, with different outfits in order to give the choice to the player a female avatar. All the movements have been successfully adapted to a different skeleton. I will post more pictures in the next months, but for now, I am liking this Mua Thai girl. You will notice also that her hairs, and clothes are moving with the wind! Just like the vegetations, the flags, the fabrics and so on. Here are some pictures […]

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I have released the April Playable demo for my Patrons and the Fighter’s club at discord. This demo allows to play, walk, visit and see how the mining will work. Slum Ville, Tech Ville, the beach, the viewpoint, the secret… all are in the video, but if you join my Patreon, you can download the 17 GB demo and play for real, explore the island and enjoy the day/night cycle, and the weather changes! Check the video or become ma […]

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The Tech Ville administrative center is the central point in the WOK Island where you can manage your profile, have meetings, or do physical surgery.When you first come to WOK and are Rank 0, you have no identity, no money, nothing. You are looking like a basic mannequin. You can walk around, but none of the terminals will work, and it will be impossible for a free player to rent, make money, or friends. Although newbies will be able to […]

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