Update: Tech Ville administrative center completed.

The Tech Ville administrative center is the central point in the WOK Island where you can manage your profile, have meetings, or do physical surgery.
When you first come to WOK and are Rank 0, you have no identity, no money, nothing. You are looking like a basic mannequin. You can walk around, but none of the terminals will work, and it will be impossible for a free player to rent, make money, or friends.

Although newbies will be able to talk to others and learn how the world is working, they will have to create their profile ID inside the Administrative center.

Once they have an ID, they can connect on all terminal at Rank 1, or more depending on which rank they are and what subscription they are. A Tron (TRX) address will be created, and funded with their first month subscription. They will receive their first daily credits.

With that in their pocket, they will be able to choose a basic Rank 1 Avatar, from the surgery room in the Administrative Center.

The meeting rooms will offer a place to meet without logging of spying. Total intimacy for business or relationship.

Author TheWolf
Categories Work in Progress
Views 1000