Every problem has a solution and sometime when you try to fix a problem you come up with a solution that is an improvement. One of the problem with UE5 was that all imposters were totally black. (check my previous blog post) What happen is that the octahedron impostors, a technique created by Ryan Brucks were totally broken. Billboards Impostors are a technique used to display a 2d sprite at a certain distance from the camera so that huge forests […]

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This is a demonstration that is showing and explaining how the WOK island procedural foliage and grass is generated. Millions of trees, bush and grass and spawned automatically following complex rules. This video is showing how it is done. Of course in a 8×8 Km island, you cannot place all the trees, bushes and grass manually, so it has to be done procedurally. In this video I go from nothing to a fully populated Island and show the result in […]

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I have removed all the SpeedTrees. https://speedtree.com/ are one of the leaders in providing middleware vegetation for both cinema and video games. I had many of them, and I had also the editor that I love. I got into problems when I tried to mix them with other great libraries. Their offering in palm trees and exotic vegetation is not very diverse, and I could not do all the game with Speedtrees only. However because they are using a proprietary […]

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Foliage, rocks, debris and trees! Thanks to the Unreal Foliage Spawners, I can easily create a complete procedural island with millions of small details that would be impossible to create manually. This is for example the ground view from the top. See how much details, and the island is more than 4 km2! The tropical Jungle is totally covering the mountains, and on the flat areas, there is space to build homes, business and buildings. Roads will connect them soon. […]

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