Mining crypto video

At regular interval an alarm is warning the players in the world of WOK that mining will happen. They have to rush close to a mining facility if they want to catch some free crypto mined the way you can see in the video. The gems/stones can have many different shapes and values. But you must be quick, the gems are dissolving rapidly and disappear. It does not cost electric and is a lot more fun than mining another crypto!

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I have released the April Playable demo for my Patrons and the Fighter’s club at discord. This demo allows to play, walk, visit and see how the mining will work. Slum Ville, Tech Ville, the beach, the viewpoint, the secret… all are in the video, but if you join my Patreon, you can download the 17 GB demo and play for real, explore the island and enjoy the day/night cycle, and the weather changes! Check the video or become ma […]

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