The User Interface

It seems that this milestone is taking forever. But on my way to do the first flyable release, I am a bit forced to do the UI (User Interface). I want that you have some options to play with the settings.

So I have bumped on Machine UI for UGUI by Evil that is looking exactly as if Evil did a custom work just for my game. I am so lucky on this one. Evil is the best UI designer on the store probably, specially his latest UI that are coming with ready to use scripts and interfaces that saves you a lot of time.

So here is the UI in game and in the menus.

I have also programmed the Loading screen, this I had to do it myself, and the Options.

The In-Game UI is using a round minimap, that I did myself and will need some improvement in the future.


As always, a quick video that will also show you what the Milestone 1 will looks like.


Author TheWolf
Categories Work in Progress
Views 2865