Tutorial: Our 7 Factions

Metaisland has 7 factions. Our 7 factions have all a story and leaders, but more importantly they all have specific powers.

Our 7 Factions flags

The 2D NFT functionality is based on the Chaosium system that is ability based. Each faction
has a specific ability that is otherwise not available for the player. Players will have to purchase
a set of 2D PFPs in order to unlock all the abilities available in the Metaverse.
There are 7 Factions, each representing a specific ability.

The 2D PFP
The 2D PFP faces are cards that the player can use in order to gain specific aptitude for his
All the PFP are unique. Their POW is calculated by the addition of all their details (earring,
necklate, helmets, glasses etc…).
Their price is POW x 5. So a POW 50 will cost normally $250 USDT equivalent when published.


The Redcards are famous for their incredible luck. Their founder Dale is also the one who
discovered the crypto crystals on the Island. He was also a famous Poker player before being
banned in the Wild Zone by Mr Chang.


Easy access to the Cyber area.
The Punks does not have a special ability, their blood is not infected, but they are in charge of
controlling the Cyber area access. They are also dealing with the Spice, a drug synthetized from
the crypto crystals. Originally the process was created by Spike and his team.


Resistance to poison
The tribes are specialized in creating and selling deadly poison. They are heavily mutated
individuals. They are the only faction to not have a chief because they do not have a brain, they
are really stupid. Other mutants have taken their control, and are their Masters. The Masters
have no clue about the poisons but they are huge, dark and scary; very powerful. Both the
Tribes and the Masters are working together to survive in the Wild Zone.

The military card gives you an edge when fighting. It multiplicate the damages you inflict when
fighting. The military cards are numerous and most people will use them when going into a fight.

Swimming underwater without breathing.
If you try to swim without an aquaman cart, you will drown. It is a shame because there are a lot
of things hidden under the water, like crypto, monster fish etc… You can do everything under the
water like shooting guns and do close combat. With an aquaman card you can stay minutes up
to hours under the water and forget about drowning, opening the possibility of finding new
crypto, fighting new monsters etc.

The Builders

Repair everything
The builders are people who have the ability to repair broken stuff. It is not a normal skill, they
are like magicians and can repair anything. They are tolerated in the human area but they are
obliged to wear a full protection suit to avoid contaminating the humans with the DNA modifying

The Daemons

Do magic
The Daemons and heavily mutated humans who can control the crypto crystals and generate
magical like energy burst that are similar to magic. They were forced out like the others by
Wolf’s team in order to protect the human genome, but this resulted in a bloody war between the

Daemons and the humans. The war was won by humans, thanks to the crystal vibration that are
making the Daemon brain explode.

The badges
The Demons and heavily mutated humans who can control the crypto crystals and generate
magical energy bursts that are similar to magic. They were expelled like the others by Wolf’s
team in order to protect the human genome, but this resulted in a bloody war between the
Daemons and the humans. The war was won by humans, thanks to the crystal vibration that are
making the Daemon brain explode.

The badges are used for DAO, voting rights and access to Beta

#metaverse #gamefi #nft #metaisland #crypto #cryptocurrency

Author TheWolf
Categories Tutorials Gameplay
Views 1130