Check for more info How going down from a cliff, without dying… Falling on the ground or a rock will kill you… However, falling into enough water, will not kill you! Falling from some height on solid ground will also kill you, or hurt you. Using a Zipline is usually safe, unless you bump into something. You can also climb down the cliff, but that is for the pro! #metaisland #cryptocurrency #metaverse #gamefi #tutorial

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Update March 2021

Welcome to this 2nd update. I have decided to use Advanced Locomotion System, a free asset since Epic has hired the developer. This is an amazing asset, and it convinced me to change the point and click system that I was thinking when writing the white paper to a more addictive third person locomotion system. Finally I have finished the island landscape. After testing having two maps stitched together, I ended up keeping only one. It is running faster, takes […]

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