Metaisland will be present on Neo’s booth at Token 2049. see you there starting Monday 11th September 2023! #crypto #metaverse #token2049
W.O.K OS is the name of the computer backend of the Island. The Metaverse is in fact a very complex client-server program, where people can manage their identity, their crypto through a website located at You can find these terminals in every location on the island. You can here connect and browse your Identity, change your name and your password. But it is not all, you can also transfer currencies from WOK local stable coin to our token and […]
I have released the April Playable demo for my Patrons and the Fighter’s club at discord. This demo allows to play, walk, visit and see how the mining will work. Slum Ville, Tech Ville, the beach, the viewpoint, the secret… all are in the video, but if you join my Patreon, you can download the 17 GB demo and play for real, explore the island and enjoy the day/night cycle, and the weather changes! Check the video or become ma […]